I'm trying to improve my patching automation of my VM infrastructure and as a first step which would be my rescue if anything goes wrong
I've managed to grow it up to that mostrosity already trying to catch snap status and wait for be completed:
So far I keep manage to catch previous snap task status instead of current one.
Could anyone give me a friendly hand and maybe share any working approach?
I've managed to grow it up to that mostrosity already trying to catch snap status and wait for be completed:
# roles/proxmox_snapshot/tasks/take_snap.yml
- name: Get VM info
api_host: "{{ proxmox_api_host }}:8006"
api_user: "{{ proxmox_api_user }}"
api_token_id: "{{ proxmox_api_token_id }}"
api_token_secret: "{{ proxmox_api_token_secret }}"
validate_certs: false
vmid: {{ vm_id }}
become: no
delegate_to: localhost
register: vm_info
- name: Set node fact
vm_node: "{{ vm_info.proxmox_vms[0].node }}"
- name: Display VM node
msg: "VM {{ vm_id }} is on node: {{ vm_node }}"
- name: Generate snapshot name
snapshot_name: "ans-{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +\"%Y%m%d%H%M%S\"') }}"
- name: Ensure VM is present
api_host: "{{ proxmox_api_host }}:8006"
api_user: "{{ proxmox_api_user }}"
api_token_id: "{{ proxmox_api_token_id }}"
api_token_secret: "{{ proxmox_api_token_secret }}"
validate_certs: false
vmid: {{ vm_id }}
node: "{{ vm_node }}"
state: present
become: no
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Get timestamp before snapshot
snapshot_start_time: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%s') | float }}"
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Create snapshot with memory dump
api_host: "{{ proxmox_api_host }}:8006"
api_user: "{{ proxmox_api_user }}"
api_token_id: "{{ proxmox_api_token_id }}"
api_token_secret: "{{ proxmox_api_token_secret }}"
validate_certs: false
vmid: {{ vm_id }}
state: present
vmstate: true
snapname: "{{ snapshot_name }}"
description: "Automated snapshot before DirectAdmin upgrade"
become: no
delegate_to: localhost
register: snapshot_result
- name: Get timestamp when snapshot started
snapshot_start_timestamp: "{{ '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' | strftime(ansible_date_time.epoch | int) }}"
# Debug task output to see the UPID
- name: Debug snapshot task output
var: snapshot_result
verbosity: 2
- name: Get running snapshot tasks
api_host: "{{ proxmox_api_host }}:8006"
api_user: "{{ proxmox_api_user }}"
api_token_id: "{{ proxmox_api_token_id }}"
api_token_secret: "{{ proxmox_api_token_secret }}"
validate_certs: false
node: "{{ vm_node }}"
become: no
delegate_to: localhost
register: task_list
until: >
task_list.proxmox_tasks |
selectattr('type', 'eq', 'qmsnapshot') |
selectattr('status', 'eq', 'running') | list | length > 0 or
task_list.proxmox_tasks | selectattr('type', 'eq', 'qmsnapshot') |
selectattr('status', 'eq', 'OK') | list | length > 0
task_list.proxmox_tasks |
selectattr('type', 'eq', 'qmsnapshot') |
selectattr('starttime', 'ge', snapshot_start_timestamp | int) |
list | length > 0
retries: 10
delay: 3
- name: Set snapshot task ID
snapshot_upid: "{{ (task_list.proxmox_tasks | selectattr('type', 'eq', 'qmsnapshot') | list | first).upid }}"
when: task_list.proxmox_tasks | selectattr('type', 'eq', 'qmsnapshot') | list | length > 0
- name: Wait for snapshot task to complete
api_host: "{{ proxmox_api_host }}:8006"
api_user: "{{ proxmox_api_user }}"
api_token_id: "{{ proxmox_api_token_id }}"
api_token_secret: "{{ proxmox_api_token_secret }}"
validate_certs: false
node: "{{ vm_node }}"
register: task_status
until: >
task_status.proxmox_tasks | selectattr('upid', 'eq', snapshot_upid) |
selectattr('status', 'eq', 'OK') | list | length > 0
retries: 60 # Adjust based on your needs
delay: 10
become: no
delegate_to: localhost
when: snapshot_upid is defined
- name: Verify task completion
msg: "Snapshot task {{ snapshot_upid }} completed successfully"
when: snapshot_upid is defined
- name: Display snapshot creation success
- "Snapshot creation completed successfully"
- "Snapshot name: {{ snapshot_name }}"
- "Node: {{ vm_node }}"
So far I keep manage to catch previous snap task status instead of current one.
Could anyone give me a friendly hand and maybe share any working approach?