Thanks Q-wulf,
I have been reading about the different storage models and now I have my ideas a little bit more clear
What I want to build is a cluster but mainly for learning purposes, because I don't really have a use for it. Right now I have only 16 virtual machines created and I usually don't have more than 4-5 switched on so with the node I have at the moment I have enough.
I want to build the cluster with the desktop computer (where I have proxmox at the moment) and a spare laptop. And my requirements for the cluster are as follows:
- I want to be able to remove the laptop from the cluster and keep my VMs working (in case some day I need the laptop for something)
- I want to be able to perform live migration
- I don't really need HA altought it would be nice to be able to activate it to see how it works but after that I can turn it off
After reading the links you provided and clearing my mind a bit, I think the best option for me is to create the storage in the desktop and use the laptop as a client. This way I can remove the laptop whenever I need to and keep working with the desktop.
Correct me if I'm wrong but for this, I believe the best option is to use NFS or glusterFS. I read that Ceph and DRBD are used with clustering so in order to set them up, I would need to replicate the storage in both nodes and if I want to remove the laptop every now and them is probably not a good idea to use them.
What do you think is better, NFS or glusterFS ? I think I may choose NFS because is simpler and I can't see any advantage on using glusterFS.
Will I be able to enable HA with this setup ?