[SOLVED] Converting virsh xml to proxmox vm.conf


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2019

Is it safe to generate /etc/pve/qemu-server/XXX.conf files on my own?
I have to migrate an OpenNebula-Cluster with more than 400 VMs, host by host.
It would be much simpler if I can create the VM.conf on my own and place it on the host (mac address, vcpu config, etc.).

The storage is Ceph, which should be simple for me to migrate (rename disk to proxmox name scheme).

Anything wrong with this approach?

Kind regards

Is it safe to generate /etc/pve/qemu-server/XXX.conf files on my own?

Yes, it can be done safely. Normally the only things where need to take care are those which have a state saved somewhere outside the config, and that's normally mostly the disks. If you take care of them you should be good.

Firewall would be also required to manually adapt, if there was any.

FYI, there's also qm importovf command, disk needed to be still adapted - but if you can get the VMs out of the old setup in OVF format that could save a bit of work. But with 400+ VMs you probably have some automation approach in mind already :)
Indeed, this needs to be automated :)
In the past I had to just rename the RBDs to the vm scheme and they appeared as unused.

Thanks for clarification!