[SOLVED] converting from no subscription repo to subscription


you can do that through the UI. "Updates" > "Repositories" > "Add", then disable the one you are currently using and apt update.
anyone know what is the correct method to change the repo from no subscription to subscription repo?
After you installed Proxmox the enterprise/subscription repository was enabled. You switched it to no-subscription. Do the reverse to switch back. Does that not work?
There is also a little documentation in the manual (and under the Help button in the Proxmox web GUI): https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#sysadmin_package_repositories

EDIT: The no-subscription repository is a little ahead/newer than the enterprise repository but it will catch up sooner rather than later.
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After you installed Proxmox the enterprise/subscription repository was enabled. You switched it to no-subscription. Do the reverse to switch back. Does that not work?
There is also a little documentation in the manual (and under the Help button in the Proxmox web GUI): https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#sysadmin_package_repositories

No i did not try because it has production VMs with CEPH but on no-subscription repo ... so i have to be sure and making sure if there is any roll back of packages would not cause any sitedown.

Do you have the experience of switching no-subcription repo to subscription repo and running ceph? How was your experience?
Changing the repos does not impact the running system, it just changes where updates are pulled from.
No i did not try because it has production VMs with CEPH but on no-subscription repo ... so i have to be sure and making sure if there is any roll back of packages would not cause any sitedown.
Packages are not rolled back automatically. You can also check the updates before applying them, in the Proxmox web GUI or the command line.
Do you have the experience of switching no-subcription repo to subscription repo
and running ceph?
No, but you did not mention this before so I did not know this was your specific requirement.
How was your experience?
It was very uneventful. As packages are never older on the no-subscription compared to the enterprise, I did not see any updates for a long time.

Please be aware that this is not really different from getting normal/regular updates. It should never cause problems but you can only be actually sure by testing this on your systems. Maybe experiment with your subscription on your testing cluster and reissue the subscription after you are sure it will work on the production cluster?
What i did was following
adding all subs key
changing ceph squid and pve repo to enterprise
update and upgrade everything via the usual GUI process

All is running 8.3.5 and working well :)