Hello colleagues.
I'm putting a Proxmox server into production, at the moment it doesn't have any VMs installed, it's not being used yet.
It's located in a Datacenter in Germany and there's a problem that I can't solve.
I've already reinstalled Poxmox more than 5x and it didn't help.
It is generating inbound traffic of about 2MB per second steadily.
See this:
Now see that when I run the command:
tcpdump -i eth0
This bunch of ARP queries appears, I've already tried to block it in the Datacenter Firewall itself and even so this traffic continues to happen, see how my Firewall configuration is:
If anyone can help me understand this problem, what I find strange is that this ARP traffic might be generating this constant inbound traffic?
And if I install any VM on this server, whether it's Windows or Linux, the same thing happens on the VM too, that is, a constant incoming traffic of 2MB per second.
I'm putting a Proxmox server into production, at the moment it doesn't have any VMs installed, it's not being used yet.
It's located in a Datacenter in Germany and there's a problem that I can't solve.
I've already reinstalled Poxmox more than 5x and it didn't help.
It is generating inbound traffic of about 2MB per second steadily.
See this:
Now see that when I run the command:
tcpdump -i eth0
This bunch of ARP queries appears, I've already tried to block it in the Datacenter Firewall itself and even so this traffic continues to happen, see how my Firewall configuration is:
If anyone can help me understand this problem, what I find strange is that this ARP traffic might be generating this constant inbound traffic?
And if I install any VM on this server, whether it's Windows or Linux, the same thing happens on the VM too, that is, a constant incoming traffic of 2MB per second.