Hi everyone, I am so confused right now. The documentation for OVS is really confusing for me. I created a bridge in Proxmox 8, I read somewhere that I have to only use OVS if I choose to use OVS for some ports, so it's all or nothing. This Proxmox server is supposed to be a router, so I will have a pfsense VM and the WAN will be enp1s0 while enp2s0, eno1, enp4s0, and enp5s0 are members of an OVS bridge. I have no idea how to connect my proxmox host to the OVS bridge, I need all ethernet ports available to plug in devices, so my proxmox host must connect virtually to OVS. Can someone please explain to me what I need to do? I setup OVS on Debian bookworm before installing proxmox and the only way I could get the host to connect to the network was by creating a veth pair and having it come up with a cron job, but then I installed proxmox for more functionality.