Cluster suddenly not working - /etc/pve/nodes not responding


Active Member
Jan 6, 2018

we have a cluster proxmox 5.1 with a few nodes. today i was not able to login on the webinterface.
the cluster was working for around 4 month now.

i also was not able to run "qm list" - it just started and gave no answer

i noticed that /etc/pve/nodes is not accessible any more on all hosts (no ls in that directory possible).

with pmxcfs -l I'm able to do a local mount -and i can access everything in the nodes directory

on the two hosts where i mounted it localy it is now possible to run "qm list" -
on the other hosts I just recognized that the file und /etc/pve/nodes are accessible now but qm list is still not working.

Any suggestions how to solve the problem ?

I might restart all nodes but I'm not happy with this cause in that case a few hosts might not work.

Best regards,

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