T TechLineX Active Member Mar 2, 2015 213 5 38 Sep 26, 2016 #1 Hello, it failed to add a node to the cluster. Now I can't add new servers to the server: cluster not ready - no quorum? (500) pvecm nodes shows only 1 node I can't stop, start or backups my VM´s what is to do??
Hello, it failed to add a node to the cluster. Now I can't add new servers to the server: cluster not ready - no quorum? (500) pvecm nodes shows only 1 node I can't stop, start or backups my VM´s what is to do??
dietmar Proxmox Staff Member Staff member Apr 28, 2005 17,266 671 213 Austria www.proxmox.com Sep 26, 2016 #2 Please set expected votes to 1, then remove the node .. # pvecm expected 1