Hi i am migrating two windows 2008r (One is in Vmware and the other is a VM on hyper-V) using clonezilla live to make an offline clone of the machines. My entire network is gigabit speeds including switches, routers, etc... i am running a single proxmox box 3.1 16x intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz (2 Sockets) 32Gb ram and single gigabit ethernet card.
I can follow the steps of
and it runs just fine... but the copy speeds slow from their 978.00mb/min to a crawl of 58.00mb/min
The speed is the same if i copy both servers at the same time or if i copy one at a time. (showing that its not a limit of the physical proxmox machine right?)
My question... Why? and how can i make it faster?/is that possible?/Have others had this problem?
I can follow the steps of
The speed is the same if i copy both servers at the same time or if i copy one at a time. (showing that its not a limit of the physical proxmox machine right?)
My question... Why? and how can i make it faster?/is that possible?/Have others had this problem?