Ceph version upgrade


May 31, 2019
Will Proxmox 6 be keeping up with ceph releases (current 14.2.2)? If not, would there be any issues with compiling on my own and creating my own deb packaging?

Will Proxmox 6 be keeping up with ceph releases (current 14.2.2)?
We provide our own repository with slightly modified upstream code. That said, if there is no technical reason, that would hinder building Ceph for the current Debian (Buster) release used in Proxmox VE, then Proxmox runs with upstream Ceph releases.

Little history behind this, while Debian Stretch was current stable, Ceph decided to change to a newer C++ version (17). Sadly the needed toolchain was not available for Debian Stretch. This held back the Ceph upgrade till Debian Buster (now current stable).

If not, would there be any issues with compiling on my own and creating my own deb packaging?
Source code is online available. The only thing to note only our packages are covered by the enterprise support subscription.
The only thing to note only our packages are covered by the enterprise support subscription.

So will 14.2.2 be coming to Proxmox 6.0 (without subscription) ?

Ceph is officially recommending everyone upgrade to 14.2.2.