A rather odd behavior... I have a VM on a box (pve1) and set up for replication. When I tell it to migrate, it will replicate the difference and then do a backup replication. Then the VM will show up on the other box (pve2). But when I try to start the server, it will fail and then will start to replicate the VM back to pve1 and start it there.
Somewhere in this process I get an error in pve1:/var/log/pve/replicate/101-0
2018-01-02 16:47:36 101-0: start replication job
2018-01-02 16:47:36 101-0: end replication job with error: Configuration file 'nodes/pve1/qemu-server/101.conf' does not exist
But the conf file does move to the right pve directory for the migration. So I can never start the VM on the other box with a migration.
Somewhere in this process I get an error in pve1:/var/log/pve/replicate/101-0
2018-01-02 16:47:36 101-0: start replication job
2018-01-02 16:47:36 101-0: end replication job with error: Configuration file 'nodes/pve1/qemu-server/101.conf' does not exist
But the conf file does move to the right pve directory for the migration. So I can never start the VM on the other box with a migration.