Hello I have the following for a LXC container
When I enable the firewall I am unable to connect to port 8080
when I turn off the firewall on the network interface I am able to connect just fine.
What am I doing wrong here?
never mind just had to remove -sport 8080
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root@proxmox:/etc/pve/firewall# cat 225.fw
log_level_in: debug
log_level_out: debug
policy_out: DROP
enable: 1
OUT ACCEPT -p tcp -dport 8080 -sport 8080
IN ACCEPT -p tcp -dport 8080 -sport 8080
When I enable the firewall I am unable to connect to port 8080
when I turn off the firewall on the network interface I am able to connect just fine.
What am I doing wrong here?
never mind just had to remove -sport 8080
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