can't escape PCT ENTER from wedged CT


Renowned Member
Jan 15, 2014
long time user but somehow stuck on a noob problem - how to escape PCT enter? had a container wedge, wanted my shell back on the host.

this does NOT seem to be in play (no, Im not using it in screen with meta=^a)

from pct(1):

--escape \^?[a-z] ([I]default =[/I] ^a)
Escape sequence prefix. For example to use <Ctrl+b q> as the escape sequence pass [I]^b[/I].

^a q does nil for me. Hints?
Can't exit from a wedged container. It's frozen, dead, etc. I want to escape the PCT enter and diagnose from the host without having to open a new shell etc. Should be possible regardless of workarounds.
If you are at the proxmox physical console, switch to tty2 with Alt+F2 or Alt+Rightarrow -- you have 6 available.

After you login as root, ' ps ax |grep pct ' and kill the pid
Im ssh'd in to the host, course I can ssh in again and kill the session, was just wondering if there's a cleaner escape sequence. Seems there is supposed to be, but it does not seem to work.
Yes I use screen all the time, and I have one on the host, with one window per container. I wanted to save that one screen window login cuz I was already maxed at 50 screen windows.

Yes, easy to escape the ssh, I want to escape the PCT ENTER itself, not the ssh.
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