Cannot access proxmox GUI


New Member
Oct 21, 2023
I'm trying to install proxmox on an old laptop. This is my first time trying out proxmox and I'm trying to setup a small lab so I can experiment. Installation went smoothly but I cannot access web dashboard afterwards.

I can ping the server from my laptop but SSH doesn't work. Even the ping failed at first but after a while it started working. SSH doesn't work at all. I checked my router to see if there's anything blocking it but doesn't seem like it.

I don't think it's due to any router misconfig, reasons,

1. The laptop had windows 7, I tried connecting it to the internet (I know it's a bad idea but wanted to test everything works) and it worked. Did a couple of speed tests too.

2. After proxmox failed, I installed truenas and it works great too. I can access the dashboard without an issue.

If anyone can help me get proxmox working it will be a massive help.
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Please check if the NICs chipset is a Realtek RTL 8111/8168/8169/8411 as this won't work out of the box with PVE8.

Output of ip a, lspci -nnk, cat /etc/hosts and cat /etc/network/interfaces from local console (display + keyboard or webKVM) would help.
Próbuję zainstalować proxmox na starym laptopie. To mój pierwszy raz, kiedy wypróbowuję proxmox i próbuję stworzyć małe laboratorium, aby móc eksperymentować. Instalacja przebiegła pomyślnie, ale później nie mogę uzyskać dostępu do panelu internetowego.

Mogę pingować serwer z mojego laptopa, ale SSH nie działa. Na początku nawet ping nie działał, ale po chwili zaczął działać. SSH w ogóle nie działa. Sprawdziłem router, żeby sprawdzić, czy coś go nie blokuje, ale wygląda na to, że nic takiego nie powoduje.

Nie sądzę, że jest to spowodowane błędną konfiguracją routera, przyczynami,

1. Laptop miał Windows 7, próbowałem podłączyć go do Internetu (wiem, że to zły pomysł, ale chciałem sprawdzić, czy wszystko działa) i zadziałało. Zrobiłem też kilka testów prędkości.

2. Po niepowodzeniu proxmox zainstalowałem Truenas i też działa świetnie. Dostęp do panelu mam bez problemu.

Jeśli ktoś może mi pomóc w uruchomieniu proxmoxu, będzie to ogromna pomoc.
What adress do you use? Ip and port to connect to proxmox.
Please check if the NICs chipset is a Realtek RTL 8111/8168/8169/8411 as this won't work out of the box with PVE8.

Output of ip a, lspci -nnk, cat /etc/hosts and cat /etc/network/interfaces from local console (display + keyboard or webKVM) would help.
The NICs chipset is Realtek RTL810xE PCI Express Fast Ethernet Controller and also i tried with Proxmox VE 7.4. It didn't work as well
It looks good.

root@pve:~# lsof -i -n COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME systemd 1 root 35u IPv4 18584 0t0 TCP *:sunrpc (LISTEN) systemd 1 root 36u IPv4 18585 0t0 UDP *:sunrpc systemd 1 root 37u IPv6 18586 0t0 TCP *:sunrpc (LISTEN) systemd 1 root 38u IPv6 18587 0t0 UDP *:sunrpc rpcbind 855 _rpc 4u IPv4 18584 0t0 TCP *:sunrpc (LISTEN) rpcbind 855 _rpc 5u IPv4 18585 0t0 UDP *:sunrpc rpcbind 855 _rpc 6u IPv6 18586 0t0 TCP *:sunrpc (LISTEN) rpcbind 855 _rpc 7u IPv6 18587 0t0 UDP *:sunrpc sshd 1103 root 3u IPv4 19079 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN) sshd 1103 root 4u IPv6 21752 0t0 TCP *:ssh (LISTEN) chronyd 1149 _chrony 5u IPv4 21778 0t0 UDP chronyd 1149 _chrony 6u IPv6 21779 0t0 UDP [::1]:323 master 1310 root 13u IPv4 19169 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) master 1310 root 14u IPv6 19170 0t0 TCP [::1]:smtp (LISTEN) pvedaemon 1447 root 6u IPv4 21892 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) pvedaemon 1448 root 6u IPv4 21892 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) pvedaemon 1450 root 6u IPv4 21892 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) pvedaemon 1451 root 6u IPv4 21892 0t0 TCP (LISTEN) pveproxy 1466 www-data 6u IPv6 21912 0t0 TCP *:8006 (LISTEN) pveproxy 1467 www-data 6u IPv6 21912 0t0 TCP *:8006 (LISTEN) pveproxy 1467 www-data 11u IPv6 34986 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) pveproxy 1468 www-data 6u IPv6 21912 0t0 TCP *:8006 (LISTEN) pveproxy 1468 www-data 10u IPv6 29787 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) pveproxy 1468 www-data 12u IPv6 28256 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) pveproxy 1468 www-data 13u IPv4 28258 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) pveproxy 1469 www-data 6u IPv6 21912 0t0 TCP *:8006 (LISTEN) pveproxy 1469 www-data 10u IPv6 28547 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) spiceprox 1472 www-data 6u IPv6 21924 0t0 TCP *:3128 (LISTEN) spiceprox 1473 www-data 6u IPv6 21924 0t0 TCP *:3128 (LISTEN) termproxy 3994 root 5u IPv4 28973 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) root@pve:~#

mayby do you set firewall at the host and not open ports on firewall a your client is in another network
is there cluster.fw or your_host_name.fw?
remove or rename thats files and reboot computer
Following this thread as I am having the same issue.
I have been running Proxmox for almost a year with no issues, and upgraded with pve7to8 and had no issues for a couple months. I just noticed two weeks ago that the gui was slow, and I'd have to refresh my browser sometimes. Now I am having the same issues as you. After a fresh boot, I can connect like normal to the GUI and SSH--then after a bit the gui will go down and I will get a broken pipe with SSH. I cannot reconnect to the PVE but I can SSH into VM's/LXC and I can access other browser gui's for my VM's; then when I reboot the host machine it will work for a few minutes.

I thought I solved this earlier by booting into an older kernel... it seemed to stay up for a few hours while I was running errands (vs on the current kernel it would only last a couple minutes before I'd need to reboot)--but now I've found it just went down again.

I don't have time to give much other details tonight. But if anyone has questions, I'll be working on this more later in the week.


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