ip a
cat /etc/network/interfaces
Is your Proxmox VE already started?
do you have physical access to your PVE? if yes could you log in and check the connection e.g. ping outside and inside? if that didn't work please post the output of the following commands:
Bash:ip a cat /etc/network/interfaces
ip a
is no enp5s0 interfaceare you sure that the ethernet cable is plugged in your Proxmox VE? because in the output ofip a
is no enp5s0 interface
ip a
, could you please also check for the interface name using dmesg | grep enp5s0
i have found the problem my network port on motherboard already broken. how can i install proxmox without network port? or can i install any pcie network card and proceed with new installation?if the ethernet cable is plugged in it should see that either in `/etc/class/net` orip a
, could you please also check for the interface name usingdmesg | grep enp5s0