I just discovered a bug, I could reproduce it.
- When a virtual machine has been created with a vmid starting with 0 the 'open console' page fails with an HTTP 500 error. (results in an empty page, but header sends http 500).
Steps to reproduce:
- create a new (fully virtualized/KVM) machine
- enter as vmid: 0123
- wait until the machine has been created
- start the machine up
- click on 'open the console' and see an empty page. If you look at the headers an HTTP 500 message is send to the browser.
- do not create VMIDs that start with an 0
- When a virtual machine has been created with a vmid starting with 0 the 'open console' page fails with an HTTP 500 error. (results in an empty page, but header sends http 500).
Steps to reproduce:
- create a new (fully virtualized/KVM) machine
- enter as vmid: 0123
- wait until the machine has been created
- start the machine up
- click on 'open the console' and see an empty page. If you look at the headers an HTTP 500 message is send to the browser.
- do not create VMIDs that start with an 0