Buffer I/O error and cache writeback


Active Member
Jul 12, 2016

I'm using ISCSI with multipath-tools for storage with LVM on IT.Everything is working fine exept one thing.
I've noticed a problème with my VMs when cache=writeback is activated and virtio for disk images.When i restart open-iscsi when VMs are UP i've got the following errors in /var/log/syslog on the node:

Kernel : [..] Buffer I/O error on dev dm-4, logical block 776513, lost async page write.

So for these VMs we have lots of errors .When we force stopping the VMs the Buffer I/O errors stop and the VMs get UP as normally.

I've switched back VM disk image in cache=none (default) and try restarting open-iscsi services and the there are no mode Buffer I/O errors.

Is those errors normal for cache writeback?am i doing something wrong?

Thanks for your advices.

Sincerely yours,
I guess that is normal, because you loose data from the cache (I would not restart iscsi while VM are running).
Thanks for your answer Dietmar.
But if iscsi connexion is lost between the SAN and the node it would happen the same thing no?
We switch cache=writeback because it seems to improve vm disk performance.Is it even safe to keep it or should we use another cache mode?

Sincerely yours,
Is it even safe to keep it or should we use another cache mode?

That depends on the OS and application you run inside the guest. A reasonable database can recover from such errors. But yes, some people think cache=none is safer.