Blocking Daily Spam Report for mailing list


New Member
Aug 22, 2023

I have read multiple threads on my question, but I still am confused. I have a large user base for multiple domains being hosted on PMG. I have a list of mailing lists an alias addresses that do not need to receive a daily spam report. I know that spam reports will not go to anyone that does not have SPAM in their quarantine.
I created a who object containing the list of addresses to not receive daily reports. I also created a what object with a match field to block the subject line of the spam report, but that did not work. I also tried creating another who object with the postmaster address to block that from sending a report, but that also did not work.
I am using pmgqm send --receiver to test sending reports. Any insight to this is helpful. Thanks.
Locally generated mails on PMG - like the spamreport do not get passed through the rule-system - so this explain why you cannot block them from being sent.

One option that you could try is adding a rule with a priority higher than the rule that puts the mails in the spamquarantine:
* To object - containing all the mailinglists and other addresses that should not get a report
* Action object - Block or Accept - depending on what you want
then no mail for those addresses should end up in the quarantine - thus no report will be sent.

I hope this helps!
Setup seems simple enough and makes sense. Thank you. I'll try that out for a while, and see if this is what I am looking for.
This solution will not work as some of those aliases need to receive legitimate mail, and I cannot block all mail to those addresses. And just to clarify.
Blocking the subject line or from address is not plausible since the report is locally generated.
Is there no way to match the subject line or from address and block based on that?
From: Proxmox Mail Gateway <>
Subject: Daily Spam Report for '' - 2023-11-15

Any other solutions to try?
This solution will not work as some of those aliases need to receive legitimate mail, and I cannot block all mail to those addresses. And just to clarify.
- add the spam-level as what object based on which you want to block in addition
- add another rule with the same To object and action accept with a priority between the block rule for the addresses, and the general rule for quarantine ...

Blocking the subject line or from address is not plausible since the report is locally generated.
as said - locally generated mails do not pass at all through the rule-system!
(if nothing else works for you you can adapt the postfix configuration for the smtpd-listener on port 10025 and add the blocking there):


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