Best Practices for Proxmox Backup Server(local or SAN)


New Member
Feb 7, 2024

I'm looking for some advice on optimizing my Proxmox Backup Server setup.

Here's my current setup:
  • I have three Proxmox hosts, each connected to a SAN via iSCSI with dual fiber switches.
  • Additionally, I have a dedicated Proxmox Backup Server with a local disk setup in RAID Z configuration, totaling 6TB of storage.
  • The PBS is equipped with two NICs, both connected to a switch.
I'm thinking of instead having another SAN via fiber switches for PBS but I don't know if that would be beneficial.

My main question is:
What would be the best practice for configuring the PBS for optimal backups?
I'm particularly interested in understanding which option would provide faster backup speeds for my Proxmox hosts. Has anyone had experience with similar setups or insights to share?

IMHO, from best to "worst" [*]

- Local SSD disks in ZFS RAID10.
- Local HDD in raid10 with SSD special device.
- Local SDD hardware raid10 or iSCSI LUN from an all SSD SAN.

Try to avoid an all HDD setup, either with hardware raid or ZFS, for me it's been proved to be relatively slow when dealing with, say, >2TB of backup storage.
Remember that RAIDz performance is as fast as one drive, so even if a special device helps on some PBS operations like GC, it won't help on restores.
For the fastest restores use an all SSD raid 10 and 10G+ network.
A good amount of RAM just for ZFS ARC (64GB+).

[*] Even the "worst" setup here may be more than good enough for your use case. I don't know how many GB you store on each of your backups as that depends on the VM's workload and how much writes they do to their drives. Neither know now fast is that SAN.