Yup, you are going to need those and working time servers or clustering goes wild. I found out the hard way that the US government bans people who pull with multiple set-it-and-forget-it servers.
"All users should ensure that their software NEVER queries a server more frequently than once every 4 seconds. Systems that exceed this rate will be refused service. In extreme cases, systems that exceed this limit may be considered as attempting a denial-of-service attack.
Open your firewall wan for inbound NTP port 123 UDP and you could also allow imcp (echo request) only for this ping test and sorting but only to those listed timeservers. Make sure you deny everyone else in a new rule located at the very bottom of the tables, not on your Timeserver alias list (pfSense) otherwise, you will get some traffic from everywhere.
So now the solution is to find a list of Stratum One Time Servers that are OPEN AND find the one closest to you in ping times. Once we find those we will just nano-paste them into your Timeserver chrony.conf
# sudo nano /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
# systemctl restart chronyd
# journalctl --since -1h -u chrony
and then update your alias firewall rules for Time Servers or add them individually and call it a day.
Good luck with Stratum 0 servers which cannot be used on the network unless you have the physical equipment.
First, do this find your lists or group lists:
*** Make sure you can get Wan udp requests on port 123 from at least these servers you want to test. you could just open it all up and then close it when done. Allow all UDP Port 123. You'll also need ICMP echo request open. So let's do this quickly then.
Secondly, we need to ping test each one and sort which one is the lowest ping time. Yes, they are round-robin but the times will remain closely the same. So we need to create a list of NTP Time servers AFTER we test which ones are worthy.
- Open a new file in a text editor nano.
- # nano ping_script.sh to open a new file named ping_script.sh
- Copy and paste the entire script below into the file. Just make sure you overwrite my servers with the ones your want to test near you...or just use mine if you live on the east coast.
- each new time server must be quoted "mytimeserver1" so don't forget this when you add yours.
- Save and close the file. In nano, you can do this by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y to confirm that you want to save the changes, and then Enter to confirm the file name.
- Make the script executable by running chmod +x ping_script.sh.
- Run the script by typing # ./ping_script.sh in the cli
for server in "${servers[@]}"; do
echo "Pinging $server"
pingresult=$(ping -c 4 $server | tail -1| awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '/' -f 2)
results+=("$pingresult ms to $server")
sleep 5
# Sort the results
IFS=$'\n' sorted=($(sort -n <<<"${results[*]}"))
unset IFS
# Print the sorted results
for result in "${sorted[@]}"; do
echo "$result"
Final results will take time due to a min of a 5 seconds sleep timer. Please don't make this faster. Don't be that guy
$ ./ping_script.sh
Pinging tock.gpsclock.com
Pinging 3.amazon.pool.ntp.org
Pinging clock.nyc.he.net
Pinging time1.facebook.com
Pinging tick.gpsclock.com
Pinging 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org
Pinging time.cloudflare.com
Pinging time.facebook.com
Pinging time.euro.apple.com
Pinging time.apple.com
Pinging time3.facebook.com
Pinging bonehed.lcs.mit.edu
Pinging ntp.quidnet.com
Pinging time4.facebook.com
Pinging 2.amazon.pool.ntp.org
Pinging time.google.com
Pinging time4.google.com
Pinging time3.google.com
Pinging time5.facebook.com
Pinging time2.google.com
Pinging time1.google.com
Pinging time.keneli.org
Pinging 1.amazon.pool.ntp.org
Pinging utcnist2.colorado.edu
Pinging 1.north-america.pool.ntp.org
Pinging 3.north-america.pool.ntp.org
Pinging time.windows.com
Pinging clock.sjc.he.net
Pinging clock.isc.org
Pinging tick.ucla.edu
Pinging timekeeper.isi.edu
Pinging 0.amazon.pool.ntp.org
Pinging montpelier.ilan.caltech.edu
Pinging 2.north-america.pool.ntp.org
Pinging ntp.ubuntu.com
Pinging time2.facebook.com
ms to 2.amazon.pool.ntp.org
7.260 ms to tick.gpsclock.com
7.738 ms to time.euro.apple.com
7.778 ms to time1.facebook.com
7.847 ms to tock.gpsclock.com
8.441 ms to time.apple.com
9.192 ms to 0.amazon.pool.ntp.org
9.712 ms to clock.nyc.he.net
11.010 ms to time.cloudflare.com
12.518 ms to time3.facebook.com
14.046 ms to bonehed.lcs.mit.edu
15.365 ms to time4.facebook.com
15.943 ms to time.facebook.com
17.114 ms to ntp.quidnet.com
17.192 ms to 1.amazon.pool.ntp.org
20.815 ms to 3.north-america.pool.ntp.org
23.618 ms to time4.google.com
25.319 ms to time3.google.com
25.741 ms to time5.facebook.com
26.781 ms to time.google.com
26.990 ms to time1.google.com
30.609 ms to time.keneli.org
31.540 ms to time2.google.com
40.254 ms to 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org
47.358 ms to utcnist2.colorado.edu
52.578 ms to time.windows.com
67.785 ms to clock.isc.org
68.588 ms to clock.sjc.he.net
68.904 ms to 1.north-america.pool.ntp.org
69.388 ms to tick.ucla.edu
70.285 ms to montpelier.ilan.caltech.edu
71.538 ms to timekeeper.isi.edu
74.218 ms to 3.amazon.pool.ntp.org
74.637 ms to 2.north-america.pool.ntp.org
76.616 ms to ntp.ubuntu.com
110.130 ms to time2.facebook.com
So now you can add these in your chrony.conf file if you want to get the fastest times however some of these are individual
IPS and not really reliable for enterprise use. So we will take the best of the best in this case. We will take the Group of POOLED server Ips from
NTPPoolServers and use these ips FIRST why because there are so many ips in each pool. There are 638 active servers in this zone alone so damn that's reliable. So reliability is solved.
server 0.pool.ntp.org
server 1.pool.ntp.org
server 2.pool.ntp.org
server 3.pool.ntp.org
but we need to not get canceled by pulling every 4 seconds. Yup, I know about being canceled especially is you hard code these into other servers, routers, or any other devices. So let's keep this enterprise grade and all the IOT junks can use those ips above we pinged. So in conclusion we could do this for a perfect balance of reliability and shortest ms ping.
To add these:
nano /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
# NTP Pool servers
# These servers are part of the NTP Pool Project, a large cluster of time servers.
# They are polled frequently (every 64 to 1024 seconds) to provide accurate and reliable time synchronization.
# The 'iburst' option allows for quicker initial synchronization.
# 'minpoll 6' and 'maxpoll 10' set the minimum and maximum polling intervals to 2^6 (64) and 2^10 (1024) seconds, respectively.
server 0.pool.ntp.org iburst minpoll 6 maxpoll 10
server 1.pool.ntp.org iburst minpoll 6 maxpoll 10
server 2.pool.ntp.org iburst minpoll 6 maxpoll 10
server 3.pool.ntp.org iburst minpoll 6 maxpoll 10
# Other servers
# These servers are polled less frequently (once per day) to provide additional redundancy and to detect any issues with the NTP Pool servers.
# The 'iburst' option allows for quicker initial synchronization.
# 'minpoll 14' and 'maxpoll 14' set both the minimum and maximum polling intervals to 2^14 (16384) seconds, which is approximately once per day.
server time.facebook.com iburst minpoll 14 maxpoll 14
server time.apple.com iburst minpoll 14 maxpoll 14
server time1.google.com iburst minpoll 14 maxpoll 14
server time.windows.com iburst minpoll 14 maxpoll 14
server ntp.ubuntu.com iburst minpoll 14 maxpoll 14
assuming the latest version of Proxmox VE
# sudo nano /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
# Use Debian vendor zone.
paste fqdn here just like this one below
pool 2.debian.pool.ntp.org iburst
Save the file and exit the text editor.
# systemctl restart chrony.service
# systemctl status chrony.service
You can check that the changes have been applied correctly by looking at the system logs
# journalctl --since -1h -u chrony
Finally, Go add these to your firewall rules:
Allow ONLY these Timeservers into Wan UDP 123
Deny everything else Wan UDP 123
This script should work as long as the awk and cut commands are available on your system.
It pings each server in the list, extracts the average ping time, and then sorts and prints the results.
sudo apt-get install gawk
Allow ONLY these Timeservers to IMCP echo request
Deny any Timeservers to IMCP echo request
You will never want to hear about time servers again until you add a few more.
Hope this helps someone who trusts one set of ips
like NIST Internet Time Servers. You'll never know if it goes down without a backup one daily ping.