I searched the doc & forum about how to tiain the SA bayesian filter.
I'm doing this because we have some spam clearly identified by other SA filter but the bayesian module make them pass thrue.
My exact question showed up one time in the forum and the ansver was NO at that time.
Originally Posted by oakleeman
Is there a way to train the Bayesian filter, like specifying ham & noham addresses that it can use to learn or an e-mail address (spam@proxmox.domain.com for example) that a spam message that slipped through the system get forwarded to?
Is it possible in proxmox 2.1 ?
If no, Is there a workaround ?
I searched the doc & forum about how to tiain the SA bayesian filter.
I'm doing this because we have some spam clearly identified by other SA filter but the bayesian module make them pass thrue.
My exact question showed up one time in the forum and the ansver was NO at that time.
Originally Posted by oakleeman
Is there a way to train the Bayesian filter, like specifying ham & noham addresses that it can use to learn or an e-mail address (spam@proxmox.domain.com for example) that a spam message that slipped through the system get forwarded to?
Is it possible in proxmox 2.1 ?
If no, Is there a workaround ?