Good day Proxmox community,
I have set up ProxMox running in my home lab, name the node "nuc"
I set up API Token for root@pam (this is just a test for now), saved it in text file from a client host (my laptop). so theoretcally, this API Token should have access to all methods and all endpoints.
when i try calling some endpoints, it works, but i have seen others that essentially just return back "data": []. It's most after /api2/json/nodes/nuc/<some endpoints dont work here>
examples below
nuc/qemu, nuc/status, nuc/storage
i just get
funny thing, I tried it from web browser, capture the full cURL command, and see that it uses Cookie, and it can call the endpoints that return empty data back.
so I run the cURL command to those endpoints, using -H Cookie, it works, but I changed out the -H Cookie to -H @APITokenID (where i store the token), i get empty data back
but i would like to explore more options regarding using API Token.
I would appreciate some assistance on this.
THank you very much.
I have set up ProxMox running in my home lab, name the node "nuc"
I set up API Token for root@pam (this is just a test for now), saved it in text file from a client host (my laptop). so theoretcally, this API Token should have access to all methods and all endpoints.
when i try calling some endpoints, it works, but i have seen others that essentially just return back "data": []. It's most after /api2/json/nodes/nuc/<some endpoints dont work here>
examples below
curl -k 'https://proxmox:8006/api2/json/nodes/nuc/' -H @APITokenID | jq
"data": [
{ "name": "aplinfo"
curl -k 'https://proxmox:8006/api2/json/nodes/nuc/network' -H @APITokenID | jq
nuc/qemu, nuc/status, nuc/storage
i just get
funny thing, I tried it from web browser, capture the full cURL command, and see that it uses Cookie, and it can call the endpoints that return empty data back.
so I run the cURL command to those endpoints, using -H Cookie, it works, but I changed out the -H Cookie to -H @APITokenID (where i store the token), i get empty data back
but i would like to explore more options regarding using API Token.
I would appreciate some assistance on this.
THank you very much.