I recently upgraded to 1.6 including the new kernel.
I have three VMs running (KVM):
101 Debian Lenny (one HDD, 32GB)
102 Windows Server 2008 R2 (Three HDDs: 32GB, 500GB, 690GB)
103 Debian Lenny (One HDD: 10GB)
Now my problem is:
My Linux-VMs are booting correctly. I can connect to VNC and to the KVM-Monitor.
But my Windows-VM or let's say the qemu freezes as soon as clicking on "start".
A strange thing: It always uses exactly 24 MB of RAM (according to PVE)...
If I click "Open VNC Console" it fails connecting two times. The third time It says "connected to server" but no image is popping up.
Running "qm vnc 102" from console (under gnome) results in a not reacting process:
(The underscore is my cursor)
If I click restart or stop in the interface it gets a maintenance-ticket which will never finish until I manually KILL the VM's PID on the host...
If I try to do it manually using stop I get the same behaviour as with VNC above
One last thing:
If I click on "Monitor" in the Web-Interface or through the SSH- or local Console I see:
(Underscore is the cursor) and that will never change...
If I ask qm for help in another VM (Linux) it WORKS FINE
Any Ideas on that issue?
I installed proxmox on a lenny-System if that helps...
Here that happens in Log If I enter "help" into the qemu console and later click the stop button in the web interface:
I recently upgraded to 1.6 including the new kernel.
I have three VMs running (KVM):
101 Debian Lenny (one HDD, 32GB)
102 Windows Server 2008 R2 (Three HDDs: 32GB, 500GB, 690GB)
103 Debian Lenny (One HDD: 10GB)
Now my problem is:
My Linux-VMs are booting correctly. I can connect to VNC and to the KVM-Monitor.
But my Windows-VM or let's say the qemu freezes as soon as clicking on "start".
A strange thing: It always uses exactly 24 MB of RAM (according to PVE)...
If I click "Open VNC Console" it fails connecting two times. The third time It says "connected to server" but no image is popping up.
Running "qm vnc 102" from console (under gnome) results in a not reacting process:
esx2:~# qm vnc 102
If I click restart or stop in the interface it gets a maintenance-ticket which will never finish until I manually KILL the VM's PID on the host...
If I try to do it manually using stop I get the same behaviour as with VNC above
One last thing:
If I click on "Monitor" in the Web-Interface or through the SSH- or local Console I see:
esx2:~# qm monitor 102
Entering Qemu Monitor for VM 102 - type 'help' for help
qm> help
If I ask qm for help in another VM (Linux) it WORKS FINE
Any Ideas on that issue?
I installed proxmox on a lenny-System if that helps...
Here that happens in Log If I enter "help" into the qemu console and later click the stop button in the web interface:
But it never stops...Sep 9 08:11:39 proxwww 26121 Starting new child 26121
Sep 9 08:11:53 proxwww 26126 Starting new child 26126
Sep 9 08:12:06 qm 26150 VM 102 monitor command 'help'
Sep 9 08:16:30 proxwww 26175 Starting new child 26175
Sep 9 08:16:32 proxwww 26175 update ticket
Sep 9 08:16:43 pvedaemon 26180 stopping VM 102 on node 0 (localhost)
Sep 9 08:16:43 proxwww 26182 Starting new child 26182
Sep 9 08:16:44 qm 26181 VM 102 stopping
Sep 9 08:16:49 proxwww 26188 Starting new child 26188
Running Maintenance Tasks
Befehl Startzeit User CID VMID
stop Thu Sep 9 08:16:43 2010 root 0 102
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