Advice on storage


New Member
Aug 24, 2023

I'm looking for some advice on how to configure storage in my server. I have 2 onboard SSD's and 4 additional SSD's via a PCIe expander. Now my plan is to use the 2 onboard SSD's in raid 1 to run Proxmox. Then I would like to have a VM with TrueNAS an configure the additional 4 SSD's as a (raid 5) pool in TrueNAS and make them available to Proxmox as storage to maybe run some other VM's in the future. It is my understanding that it is better to expose these drives directly to TrueNAS and also let it handle the whole raid/zfs.
The main reason to use TrueNAS is the ease of automating backups, snapshots, cloud sync tasks, etc.

1. Say I a run a VM in Proxmox on the TrueNAS configured storage, then first TrueNAS will have to be up and running before this VM can boot. Would this pose any problems?
2. I'm open to other solutions on configuring storage for my usecase, the main idea is that I want the 4 addional SSD's to be raid 5 and want to use these for running VM's and a large portion will also be for a shared network drive. Then some part of this shared network storage will have to be backupped to a cloud drive every now and then.

Any ideas on this will be much appreciated.


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