adding kernel boot args at install time


Renowned Member
Dec 17, 2016
Hi, I just bought a IBM x3850 M2 in an auction to play around with. I downloaded and burned to CD the latest proxmox 4.4 iso.
Trying to boot this cd on the system end up at this error message.

Calgary: DMA error on Calgary PHB

I see this error in google quite a bit and in bug reports for various linux distributions.
The answer seems to be to add a argument to the kernel command line.

Im having trouble finding how to edit the kernel command line on the latest proxmox install cd.
The proxmox wiki says I can just type the command at the boot prompt. but I guess it might have been documentation for a previous version because It doesn't behave like that for me.
I also tried downloading and installing proxmox 4.3 but it behaves in the same way. (no place to type boot commands, stops at Calgary error.)

Does anyone have a hint for me as to how to install Proxmox?