Added a new router to my network and now cant access GUI


New Member
Dec 28, 2024
Hi all, im pretty new to servers and networking so don't know much yet. I added a new TP link router into my network making my ip adresses go from 192.168.0.___ to 192.168.1.___. My Home assistant VM and OMV VM are the only ones running and I can access them however i cant access Proxmox GUI. I have been into /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hosts and changed the ip from to to have it on the new network but it hasnt worked. If anyone can explain to me how to fix it, I would be very thankful.
Did you fix the gateway address too (to point to your router)?
Did you fix DNS in /etc/resolv.conf (in case it points to your router)?
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I went changed the gateway but did not change the DNS. However would it not just stay the same. I think it was set to Thanks
And while you're at it, verify IP connectivity from the host.
ip a show vmbr0
ping <gateway>
While some of these don't necessarily explain why you can't access the GUI, they establish basic network health.

Here are screenshots of all the configs. I tried changing the subnet and gateways from my original post but nothing has changed and i still cant access the GUI. I have now figured out that my VMs (both HA and OMV) are not accessible and are also offline. Sorry if the screenshots are abit blurry, they were taken through obs and a capture card.
Thanks, ive changed the bridge ports! The HA vm has now come back onto the network and is running, the OMV hasnt and the GUI still cant be accessed. How do i change the DNS in the CLI. In any of the 3 files i cant see anything about DNS. Sorry if its me being an idiot, im still new to this. When I added my router to my network, the old broadband router was left in to be used as a modem, therefore i think i have to set the DNS to that broadband routers ip adress. None of the checks for the connectiviy worked so this might be why? Thanks
You can test connectivity from the host with the commands I added in my previous post.
The last one will tell you if DNS works. If it needs fixing, you can edit (carefully) /etc/resolv.conf
In any case, it isn't preventing you from accessing the GUI.

How is everything wired?
Is the management PC getting IP from DHCP (on the router)? Can you ping the proxmox host from it?
Using the commands, only pinging the gateway do i recieve anything back and i can ping the server from another computer and get a response. The server also now shows up in my TP link app. However there is nothing on the web browser to get into the GUI.
I've managed to get into the GUI now! Thanks for all the help. I changed the DNS to and changed the gateway and it worked! Thanks
Looking back at your original post, the new subnet was, yet your pictures still showed
With a /24 address (equivalent to netmask), all IPs in your LAN should only differ by the last number.

Whether you adjust the router (that was the other option) or the clients with static IPs, they all need to agree on these basics.