Add root access for other users.


Sep 11, 2021
This might be an easy task for all of you Linux users but...
When you logon to the Proxmox web gui I always have to use root.
I want to use another user to do everything that root can do in the gui.
I can figure out the shell commands i need to use to do that.
Thanks in advance from a Windows guy
When you logon to the Proxmox web gui I always have to use root.
You can add users in the Datacenter -> Users panel. If you select the Proxmox VE authentication server realm there you can directly set the password, as the PAM realm only can use users that already exist on the Linux host directly.

I want to use another user to do everything that root can do in the gui.
root@pam is currently still a bit special for a few API calls, but the closest thing is adding a permission for that user in the Permission tab with the Administrator role on the path /.
Is there already an open feature request for this? I've got OIDC SSO for a reason, and really don't want to have to log in as root every time i want to change certain settings on LXC's, do storage management, etc that is currently limited to only root, it defeats the whole purpose of setting up sso and prevents any kind of team from actually properly managing the infrastructure completely without requiring bad practices of having high level shared accounts.
Is there already an open feature request for this? I've got OIDC SSO for a reason, and really don't want to have to log in as root every time i want to change certain settings on LXC's, do storage management, etc that is currently limited to only root, it defeats the whole purpose of setting up sso and prevents any kind of team from actually properly managing the infrastructure completely without requiring bad practices of having high level shared accounts.
What settings are not accessible ? I tested and it seems that only device pass-through is disabled.