About vzdump disk space problem


New Member
Nov 24, 2017
Hello there,

I installed Proxmox 5.1. The system is divided into two disks as local and local-lvm. the local disk size is 90 GB, and the local-lvm disk size is 1.5 TB. Server disk structure is prepared as raid10. LXC containers are opening local-lvm. No problem, but when backed up 90 GB local disk is visible. I can not select backup content (vzdump) as local-lvm from the Storage partition. If we have 400 to 500 GB virtual servers, we will not be able to make backups because the local disk is 90 GB. I am waiting for your help urgently.
local-lvm is a block base storage (lvmthin) and cannot be used as target storage for backups
local is a directory storage which can be used

backups have to be in a file based storage (directory, nfs, ...)
but storing backups on the same machine as your vms is not the best idea (think of what you would do if your server goes up in flames? then your backups are also gone)