Our backup servers RAID array hit a bit of an issue this morning and it ultimately caused the PBS to crash.
Now I can't view the datastore and my journal is giving the following errors -
I've had a look at my journal file and there is a line with a big blob of invalid text (as attached).
So it definitely seems there is a level of corruption going on here - I'm hoping this file was just mid write (as there was a large backup going on).
Is there a way to recover from this without losing the datatstore?
Our backup servers RAID array hit a bit of an issue this morning and it ultimately caused the PBS to crash.
Now I can't view the datastore and my journal is giving the following errors -
Jun 24 04:01:52 pbs proxmox-backup-proxy[191]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/default/status/?verbose=true: 400 Bad Request: [client [::ffff:217.>
Jun 24 04:01:55 pbs proxmox-backup-proxy[191]: apply rrd journal failed - stream did not contain valid UTF-8
Jun 24 04:01:55 pbs proxmox-backup-proxy[191]: unable to parse rrd journal 'rrd.journal' line 165 (skip) - unable to parse time
Jun 24 04:01:58 pbs proxmox-backup-proxy[191]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/default/status/?verbose=true: 400 Bad Request:
I've had a look at my journal file and there is a line with a big blob of invalid text (as attached).
So it definitely seems there is a level of corruption going on here - I'm hoping this file was just mid write (as there was a large backup going on).
Is there a way to recover from this without losing the datatstore?