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    hardware RAID; ZFS and replication

    hi, I am aiming to have replication for my VMs set on my proxmox cluster. Currently the file system is ext4 for VM drives and ZSF for boot drives, so I will be changing this to ZFS but...I realized that ZFS requires from me to set a software RAID...I have a hardware RAID on the drives (RAID1 on...
  2. D

    Disk option recommendation

    Hello, I'm installing the new version for the first time on an HP server with 4 300G disks, I want to know the recommended option for using the disks, keep proxmox installed on a single disk and use the rest in poom zsf mode for the vms? What option do you recommend? Thanks Best Regards
  3. A

    [SOLVED] Migration from Hyper-V - stuck on Booting from Hard Disk...

    Hi all, I am beginner with Proxmox and I have a problem with migration a VM (cPanel) from Hyper-V 2016 I have converted the VM from HyperV to cp.raw qemu-img convert -O raw cp.vhdx cp.raw dd bs=1M if=cp.raw of=/dev/zvol/NVME/vm-100-disk-0 zfs list NAME USED AVAIL...
  4. Y

    Backup Failed and Lxc Container blocked

    Hello, sometimes i have this trouble with LXC on ZFS and backup. The Backup process seem freezed and the virtual machine is inaccessible. I Have to do a Kill -15 to the Backup process and reboot the container. The backup is small, 16G on a SATA Hard disk directly connected...