zfs replicate

  1. R

    [SOLVED] pve replication - invalid json

    Hi, one node A down, the vms were being replicated on node B. However, when viewing the replication through the graphical interface, the following message appears: invalid json data in '/var/lib/pve-manager/pve-replication-state.json' (500) the json file is corrupted: pst0 ^ D ^ K ^...
  2. D

    zfs sync wait 1 hour

    Hi to all, I have strange problem, and that sync waits exactly one hour, and I am not sure why. There are other VMs on that server that replicates on the exactly same secondary server, and there is no problem there. 2019-05-19 21:00:01 106-1: start replication job 2019-05-19 21:00:01 106-1...