
  1. P

    RAIDZ-2 oder RAID10

    Lieben Gruß an die Community, aktuell beschäftige ich mich damit, open media vault als VM laufen zu lassen. Die Festplatte für den Datenspeicher in OMV würde ich als virtuelle Festplatte zur Verfügung stellen wollen. Ich habe 4 x 4 TB, die ich über Proxmox in einem ZFS Pool zusammenfassen...
  2. V

    [SOLVED] Grub boot ZFS problem

    Hey guys! Inquiring about the Grub boot ZFS problem issue: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/ZFS:_Tips_and_Tricks#Grub_boot_ZFS_problem I have a couple of Dell R620 and some boot normally and some don't. The setup is identical. Has anybody managed to get to the root of this issue? Details: The...
  3. V

    [SOLVED] Restore raw disk image from zfs pool with errors

    Hello! I have pretty bad situation with one srv... Two of 4 disks in ZFS Raid 10 have failed. I managed to read sector to sector information from them on special hardware for data extraction with some bad sectors, of course. I wrote these binary images on new disks and attached them to raid and...