
  1. J

    Is there a way to reopen a running shell after navigating away from the shell tab?

    I would like to revisit the shell tab to check up on a running job (and provide user input to the process). Is this possible? I haven't been able to find a way to do this. I see the job running in the task log, but I can't seem to open the shell view again to inspect the running process.
  2. S

    xterm.js for Windows guest

    Is it possible to use xterm.js for Windows guests? The copy and paste capability in xterm.js would be very helpful for Windows guests as well.
  3. A

    Webconsole on another webserver with xtermjs

    I am attempting to host a xtermjs terminal on another webserver. When using xtermjs library and javascript websocket the connection fails. import { Terminal } from 'xterm'; import { AttachAddon } from 'xterm-addon-attach'; const user = "root@pam"; const ticket =...
  4. R

    xterm.js console doesnt set terminal size correctly

    Hi, The xterm.js terminal doesnt set the terminal size correctly causing the text to not wrap and overwrite the text on the current line The xterm.js console tries to set the tty size by sending "1:<cols>:<rows>:" over the websocket, however, this doesnt work Example: The actual tty size...
  5. J

    An xterm button in html5

    How could you insert the url of a CT with xterm in an html5 button?
  6. B

    [SOLVED] How to get Xterm working with Ubuntu VM?

    I've got an Ubuntu server vm running, how do I get the xterm console on the Proxmox GUI to work with it? I've been through https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Serial_Terminal and https://lnxgeek.wordpress.com/2018/02/16/serial-console-howto-ubuntu-16-04/ But have not had any luck, any pointers? It...