
  1. M

    Trouble accessing web server in a VM from the internet with a single NIC setup.

    I have a bit of a puzzle here. I'm trying to make a web server running in a VM internet accessible. Doesn't have to be pretty. I don't even need SSL. Just need to see the the "Hello World" page on port 80. Once I get that far I'm pretty sure I can build upon it myself. The server in a colo, to...
  2. C

    proxmox vm is not accessible via the web browser

    hey guys, i have only been using proxmox for a short time and would like to know what my problem is... when i run a webserver nginx/httpd on the vm, i can't access the website via. static priv address. If I use a lxc container instead of a vm it works, what do I have to change so that I can use...
  3. F

    Webserver Offline Issue on Proxmox

    Hello, I have Proxmox in the latest version with numerous VMs and LXC containers. Recently, I set up another LXC container (Debian 12 Bookworm, static IP) running a small web server with NGINX (latest version) hosting a static website (only accessible in the home network). Now, I'm facing an...
  4. H

    Guidance and opinions for Proxmox with PfSense Build for selfhosting 2 VM WebServers

    I don't have Proxmox and PfSense experience, but have watched a couple of YouTube videos about setup. Wonder if I can get any opinions and guidance from anyone with more experiance on a small self-hosting web hosting solution I’m imminently looking to setup. Networking Modem -> PFsense Box ->...
  5. H

    Validation/Options for Proxmox with PfSense Build Home Webserver Hosting

    I don't have Proxmox and PfSense experience, but have watched a couple of YouTube videos about setup. Wonder if I can get any opinions from anyone with more experiance on a small self-hosted web hosting solution I’m imminently looking to setup. Networking Modem -> PFsense Box -> Managed Switch...
  6. G

    Kein IPv6 Zugriff ausserhalb des lokalen Netzwerks

    Hallo! Ich habe in einer Proxmox VM einen Apache Webserver eingerichtet. Dieser ist auch im lokalen Netzwerk erreichbar. Nun würde ich aber gerne ausserhalb des lokalem Netzwerks darauf zugreifen könen. Da ich bei Unitymedia bin habe ich keine public IPv4 Adresse mehr also versuche ich gerade...
  7. N

    LXC Backup/Restore auf anderem Host

    Hallo zusammen, Ich hoffe mir kann hier jemand Lösungsansätze geben. Ich habe einen neuen Proxmox 5.2 Server installiert, ich möchte meine LXC Maschinen und VM's vom 1.ten Proxmox 5.2 auf den 2.ten packen. Hier bin ich folgendermaßen vorgegangen. 1.ten Proxmox 5.2 Server Webinterface: LXC...
  8. F

    2 VM | Game, Web server

    Hello ! I use OVH game dedicated server , running VPS Proxmox VE 4 (64bits), and i have my own block with 4 IP addresses (one is non-usable because it's used as default router). So, on same dedicated i run at this moment 2 VDS with Freebsd and CentOS. If i try ping from one VM to another i get...
  9. J

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Host nicht erreichbar vom LAN

    Moinsen, ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich habe folgendes Setup Ich habe einen Switch mit 3 VLans ( LAN[ DHCP], DMZ[ DHCP], WAN[]) Hypervisor: vmbr1 (eth1)> pfsense per VLAN routed wunderbar in alle netze vmbr0 Vlan DMZ...