
  1. O

    WDS and the firewall

    Hi! I've been running a R730 as a homelab for around 3 months, and use it for multible uses. I recently created a WDS (Windows Deployment Services) VM, and when I boot via SeaBIOS, I get this error (have tried removing the firewall the network adapter), despite using different network...
  2. E

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 PXE Boot

    Liebe Community ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich möchte in einer VM Windows über PXE Boot installieren. Wenn ich das ganze versuche komme ich immer in den Setup Screen, in welchem die Fehlermeldung: "WdsClient: Fehler beim Abrufen der IP-Adresse vom DHCP-Server...." erscheint. Ich habe schon...
  3. F

    Using Windows deployment services

    Hello. I am trying to use Windows deployment services to installProxmoxVE over the network. I am using the following parameters for loading: LABEL Proxmox 6.3-1 MENU LABEL Proxmox 6.3-1 KERNEL Distr/Proxmox/pve/BOOT/linux26 INITRD Distr/Proxmox/pve/BOOT/initrd.img...
  4. A

    WDS, VLANs, and PXE Booting A Guest VM

    Hi All, I've installed a Windows Server 2019 instance with the WDS role and am wanting to PXE boot some guest VMS. I have WDS already configured, but am unsure how to get things working properly as my WDS server and my guest PXE boot VMs are on different VLANs. Normally, I go into Device...