vzdump hook

  1. U

    Phase for determing overall job information in vzdump hook script

    Hi, in addition to an email if a backup job fails I would like to use a hook script which sends a "ping" to healthchecks.io only if no error happened. But unfortunately I did not find a easy solution yet to determine the overall job information in the hook script. I would avoid parsing...
  2. C

    Backup job is stuck and I cannot stop it or even kill it

    Hello to all, for yesterday January 9 a backup job is stuck and I cannot stop it or even kill it. The backup job contains 3 containers and 1 VM. The job started at 03:00:04. In the back office when I go to 'Task viewer : Backup Job' when I press the button 'Stop' nothing happens. In the...
  3. W

    [SOLVED] vzdump-hook log message missing on e-mail notification

    Hi, I'm setting up an hook script for vzdump with a mailnotification enabled. I don't get the the same messages on the console and on the e-mail. That's a problem because all the job-start messages are missing (lines : INFO: HOOK: start job-start INFO: HOOK-ENV...