
  1. M

    Cannot store dump files on exfat partition (OS error 22)

    I want to use an external disk as datastore on my PBS installation, when I run the backup tasks on pve I've got an error (OS error 22) the error is caused by the format of the vzdump file, it contains colon characters as field separator of the timestamp that are not allowed by the exfat...
  2. M

    Langsame Proxmox Backups auf Truenas

    Hallo zusammen, ich stehe vor einem Problem mit meinen Proxmox-Servern, die jeweils an einem Truenas-System angeschlossen sind. Mit der Zeit sind immer mehr VMs und Daten hinzugekommen, was dazu geführt hat, dass meine Backup-Zeiten deutlich länger geworden sind. Das Hauptärgernis dabei sind...
  3. T

    Error backup container lxc code error 23

    Hello Environment: Debian 11 & Proxmox 7.0-11 I come to you because I encounter a backup problem in snapshot mode on my proxmox server and that for two LXC containers, the others no worries All of my containers are saved every week without any worries. Except this Saturday, two of my vm give...
  4. F

    Backup of some LXC's failing (Permission Denied)

    I've searched a lot and everyone else's issues seem to be related to NFS permissions and not being able to create the directory on temp space on NFS. This is not the problem I'm having. I don't have enough space on the Proxmox nodes to use local temp so I use a big NFS share to store everything...