
  1. W

    [SOLVED] SDN with 2+ vnet subnet specify SNAT to WAN IP

    I have 5 IP addresses from my ISP and need to setup a VNET for each IP with a pfSense firewall to provide UPNP support for each IP. My test machine has a an internal Ethernet port and a USB Dongle. I am using the dongle (enx22) for the WAN The network looks like this: enx22 <--> vmbr1 <-->...
  2. J

    [SOLVED] Can't get Proxmox-VE to work with Netbox

    Netbox Version: 4.0.9 PVE Packages pve-manager: 8.2.4 (running version: 8.2.4/faa83925c9641325) ifupdown2: 3.2.0-1+pmx9 libpve-network-perl: 0.9.8 dnsmasq: 2.89-1 Netbox Configs Proxmox Setup I'm trying to use Netbox as an IPAM via the SDN feature and I just can't get it working as it...
  3. B

    SDN create VNet permission

    Let's say I create an SDN zone called "ExampleZone" with one VNet called "ExampleVNet". My goal is for a User "ExampleUser" to be able to create additional VNets in that zone. Going through the API hierarchy in the docs here he seems to need SDN.Audit and SDN.Allocate for the...
  4. M

    [SOLVED] SDN VNet subnet specify SNAT interface/IP

    I've setup a simple zone with automatic DHCP, a vnet and subnet with SNAT enabled. On the host I have 2 bridges configured: - vmbr0 with public IP - vmbr1 with public IP (Those aren't the real IP addresses, just substituted by me). When creating the subnet and...
  5. N

    Unable to create SDN VNet without tag

    I'm having an issue transitioning to the Proxmox VE Software-Defined Network (SDN). Current situation: enp6s0f0 is an untagged network connection vmbr100 is a Linux bridge with bridge port = enp6s0f0 VM998 has a network device attached to vmbr100 This configuration works great When I try to...
  6. Y

    (please delete)

  7. J

    removing LXC network fails in PVE 8.0

    I have upgraded about a week ago to PVE 8.0 and haven't messed with my LXC containers after the upgrade, but when I added another interface to an LXC container and try to remove it, I found out that I cannot do that due to an SDN issue? The error I get is: - no sdn vnet ID specified (500) This...
  8. K

    Beta VXLAN Issue

    Hi Guys, So, I'm attempting to roll out the new GUI SDN at my home Prox lab. Currently, when I create a VXLAN Zone "mynet" and a VNet "vnet1", and attempt to apply the config, I get an error on all nodes, picture attached. I checked in Syslog and all I can really see is an entry of...