vm start

  1. D

    Hanging VM start in PVE

    We are currently migrating to Proxmox (PVE 8.3.0, LVM storage). With automated bulk starts of VMs we observe hanging tasks. Others in our company could mitigate or work around, but as we do many automated VM starts over the REST API, we are only shifting the issue. What we see is, that the...
  2. U

    clusterwide startup order

    I'm trying to figure out how to have a cluster wide startup order. Initially I thought, the "Start and Shutdown Order" mentioned in "11.3.6. Automatic Start and Shutdown of Containers" of the PVE Admin guide was the way to go, but it turned out that this "Startup Order" is only taken into...
  3. P

    Starting VM with RDP

    Hello, the general method of starting a vm/container with the proxmox web UI is to complicate in my opinion. I want to start, espacially my windows vm´s with an RDP request. So whenever i try to access a vm it should start by itself. I wonder if some script already exists. I searched the...
  4. B

    VM Start "got timeout" if 10+ interfaces added

    Hi! I have a problem. If i add 10+ interfaces to my VM then my VM starting mostly fail with "got timeout". If i remove some interfaces (to below 10) the VM starting without problem. I think the VM creation time increasing while increasing the number of interfaces. i don't found the solution...
  5. B

    Proxmox VM via php Script beenden und starten

    Hallo, einzelne VMs sollen von Endusern simpel gestartet bzw. beendet (via shutdown) werden können. Die Ideale Lösung wäre, eine simple Webseite zu erstellen, in der eine Tabelle mit den betreffenden VMs enthalten ist. Die Webseite sollte lediglich für die aufgelisteten VMs den Status anzeigen...