
  1. T

    missing storage controller driver | vioscsi

    Due to a missing storage controller driver, my Windows VM is unable to start up. To resolve this, I must add the vioscsi-driver to the startup process of Windows. But how? Although I am able to manually load the driver and access the system disk through the recovery command prompt, but the...
  2. K

    SCSI targets with unusual sparse LUN space

    Proxmox 6 configures each disk on its own bus when using the Virtio SCSI single controller. However, while the scsi0 disk is on SCSI ID 0 LUN 0 as one would expect, the scsi1 disk is on SCSI ID 0 LUN 1, the scsi2 disk is on SCSI ID 0 LUN 2, and so forth. Notice how the LUN number is matching the...