
  1. N

    [SOLVED] Proxmox PCI Passthrough

    Hello, i have some Problems with my PCI Passthrough... Im passing a Thunderboltcard through and sometimes when i disconnect a thunderbolt device and than start the VM my HOST wont respond over Network, i think its because after disconnecting a Thunderbolt device it also disappears form the...
  2. N

    [SOLVED] PCIE Passthrough Vendor ID?

    Hello, i configure pci passthrough on my Proxmox and i saw in the GUI under the Advanced tab the Option to assign a Vendor / Device ID, but what is the usecase of this "feature" and in what format do i have to enter the Vendor / Device ID? br NojuHD
  3. M

    Disk product and serial on guest machine

    Hello, I am new user of proxmox after several years with vsphere and I am really happy so far. Congratulations to the whole community who mantains and upgrades this great product. While I am still familiarizing with configurations, I followed this guide to add couple of disks to my linux...