
  1. E

    User permission roles for host networking creation

    I have some unpriviledged tester users that have access to all VM roles for a certain Pool. I would also like to give them the ability to create open vswitches and linux bridges so they can create more complex networking setups. I've tried both users as pam and pve realms, and given them...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Cannot delete PAM-User

    Hello, I've added accidentally an PAM-user over the GUI, realized after I created the user, that I've should have selected the PVE Realm. Here is my Problem: I cannot delete the (freshly) created PAM-user. When using the Remove-Button in the GUI: delete user failed: user '***@pam' not found...
  3. Altrove

    Problem for user permission to only start, restart, shutdown one node

    Hi to All, i am this problem, i have crated the additional Role: pveum roleadd Sys_Power-only -privs "Sys.PowerMgmt Sys.Console" and i have add a permissions to the user "pippo" (is a PVE user autentication) for only start, stop, reset, shutdown the node, i have only one node and the name of...
  4. A

    Create PVE user to restart Vms only

    Hello, I try to figure out if it is possible to create a Proxmox (pve, not system) user that can login over web, check the state of the KVM VM (but can not change the machine's properties) and also can stop/start/reset the VM. The idea behind is that we have night shift person who's on duty to...
  5. V

    user management with ssh keys

    Hi, First I would like to clarify one thing. the creation of a new user doesn't create a new user in the debian system first with useradd right? because the creation of a user in the gui is something totally different? Second what's the key IDs for a user in linux pam in the GUI? ssh keys...