upgrade 6.2

  1. U

    after upgrading from 5.x to 6.x, iSCSI VMs can only be started via commandline

    Hi, I've upgraded one of our clusters from 5.4 to 6.2 only yesterday and unfortunately cannot start VMs using iSCSI storage using the UI. The logs don't show much, all I see there is Error: start failed: QEMU exited with code -1 Researching the forum I read that errors like these are likely...
  2. J

    Unable to mount thin-provisioned LVM volume?

    Hi, I have six Proxmox hypervisors (various licenses) running 5.4 which I began upgrading this week (to 6.2-4). I'm on the second machine today and running into the same problem that I had on my first upgrade. There is an LVM volume defined from the 5.4 Proxmox install which is tagged with...