
  1. T

    [SOLVED] Unprivliged Nextcloud CT access to Truenas Core VM NFS share

    This is my first post. I've been dabbling with Proxmox for about a year now, and have usually been able to find the answers I need in the excellent documentation or the abundance of community discussions. While there is a lot of documentation and community resources for what I'm trying to do, I...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Cluster geteilter ISO-Storage mittels NFS-Share und TrueNAS

    Guten Tag Zusammen, wir betreiben 3 Proxmox Knoten (pve01, pve02, pve03) in einem Cluster und unsere bisherige Storage Konfiguration hatte einen Storage, für ISO-Dateien pro Knoten. Wir wollten das ganze etwas optimieren und haben jetzt eine TrueNAS VM erstellt, welche wir als NFS Storage...
  3. A

    PBS cifs smb share not mounting on cold boot

    Hi Folks, Hope everyone is doing well! Also thanks to anyone willing to help, I really appreciate it! So, I have been stuck on this for a while and I am banging my head against the wall at this point... I set up ProxMox Backup Server with a TrueNas SMB share following this tutorial...
  4. A

    TrueNAS in VM

    Thread can be deleted. My NUC can not run truenas as it is underpowered and lacks enough ram. :(
  5. C

    DMAR: IOMMU enabled / Error: cannot prepare PCI pass-through, IOMMU not present

    Hi, i am trying to understund why the system behave this way to find out where the issue lays, system specifications and and steps taken in attempt to fix it bellow: CPU: G4400T / I5 6500 (tried both) RAM: 16GB (2x 8GB) Motherboard: ASRock H110M-DGS R3.0 (BIOS: P7.4) NetworkPVE: RTL8111 GbE...
  6. B

    Newbie set-up clarification

    im planning on setting up proxmox to run my vm's of course and one of them I plan to have is TrueNAS. can I install proxmox and my vms on a single drive until I get my mass storage drives and give a VM access to those drives later? or does proxmox need to be set up with every drive there already.
  7. M

    Langsame Proxmox Backups auf Truenas

    Hallo zusammen, ich stehe vor einem Problem mit meinen Proxmox-Servern, die jeweils an einem Truenas-System angeschlossen sind. Mit der Zeit sind immer mehr VMs und Daten hinzugekommen, was dazu geführt hat, dass meine Backup-Zeiten deutlich länger geworden sind. Das Hauptärgernis dabei sind...