
  1. V

    [SOLVED] missing log in token

    Hey, I have a problem with my px mailgateway. With a single user we have the problem that he has no log-in token. That's why he can't access his "web interface" to set his blacklist, for example. When he gets a spam mail notification from our gateway in the following pictu He just gets a...
  2. R

    Trying to set IPv6 token, adding LXC options in container config file

    Context: I'm using an up-to-date rocky linux 9 container template on Proxmox 7.2-1. What I'm trying to achieve is to set an IPv6 token for the container. I know this is possible, because if i add IPV6_TOKEN=::[TOKEN] to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and do a systemctl restart...
  3. N

    [SOLVED] Can't create API Token: Method Post not implemented (501)

    I need your help... I already do a search but can't find the solution for this... I'm trying create a new API token but when I save the information, I got this error What I'm doing wrong? EDIT: Proxmox VE 7.2-7
  4. J

    Use Api-token for adding/removing usb devices

    Cause of corona our Developers are working at home, but as we need to work with limited number of embedded hardware devices we are currently preparing a "Remote Lab" infrastructure. We run a cluster with three nodes. One of them is used to run personal vms for developers, which should be easily...
  5. V

    Proxmoxer possibily expire token

    Hi I integrated proxmox with cuckoo thanks to the use of proxmoxer, but after a few hours I have the error related to the lack of authentication: raise AuthenticationError ("Couldn't authenticate user: {0} to {1}". format (self.username, self.base_url + "/ access / ticket")) in...
  6. J

    Facing issue with proxmox noVNC (API), Error 401 no ticket

    Hello I am new to proxmox, I'm trying to run noVNC using php. I authenticate Using API_URL/access/ticket and set ticket to cookie "PVEAuthCookie", see attachment I have tried to connect in the following way domain:8006/?console=kvm&novnc=1&vmid=100&vmname=name&node=namenode The error...
  7. X

    Change api token life

    Hello, it's possible to change api token life ? Thank you.