
  1. E

    [SOLVED] Cannot access WEB GUI

    Hi, I did an update of my server and after the reboot, cannot access the web gui. I tried to restart the pveproxy service and the log shows “permission denied” and i did a chmod 777 /var/log/pveproxy/access.log command… Also i tried to do apt install proxmox-ve Nothing works... Some ideas...
  2. V

    [SOLVED] Can't SSH into and ssh-copy to the proxmox server from Ubuntu 20.04

    I am not able to ssh into the proxmox server I have tried copying the RSA pub_key to the remote server using this command. ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub root@192.xxx.xx.2 It says timed out. the UFW is disabled on the destination proxmox server. The firewalls are empty in the Proxmox Web...