
  1. A

    Swap Not Showing in Containers After Storage Rework on Proxmox

    Hello everyone, I am currently using Proxmox, and I have encountered an issue with swap space not appearing in my containers after performing some rework on storage disks for redundancy. This issue persists even though the containers were recreated post-activity. The Proxmox OS itself has not...
  2. E

    Balloning & swappiness

    Hi, tl;dr: How does swap and swappiness affect ballooning growth? I have a few VMs running Alpine Linux 3.15/3.16/3.17 and have over-provisioned the ram with the Ballooning device ticked. Most of them have the minimum ram set to between 512 and 4096 MB, with the maximum up to 75% of the...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] swappines = 0, VZ takes more than 100% swap

    I run: Linux 4.15.18-9-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-30 (Thu, 15 Nov 2018 13:32:46 +0100) on a 8 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 v3 @ 3.50GHz (1 Socket) While I do use aobut 80% of RAM for the VMs there are still 6gb free. But with the Mailserver VZ (Kapano) i see this First I gave the VZ all the...
  4. F

    swappiness on container

    Hi, I use Proxmox version '5.1-38'. I've 30 containers and VM-s. I want to change swappiness variable from 60 to 15 on several containers and it says 'sysctl: setting key "vm.swappiness": Read-only file system'. I think I should to change this on node but I don't want. Can I change it on only...
  5. M

    Swappiness with Proxmox Nodes

    Hello, i am monitoring my Swap usage with Nagios and i get: SWAP WARNING - 35% free (4151 MB out of 12006 MB) I started with 4GB of swap. My Node has 48GB RAM in Total. Should i create even more swap space? I have a bad feeling if the node uses so much swap: What happens when the node...
  6. B

    [SOLVED] Proxmox is using swap with lot of RAM available

    Hello, my name is Juan Carlos and this is my first time writing into this mailing list. I'm testing Proxmox using an ASUS P6T with 24GB RAM. Currently I have 4KVM using up to 12GB, which means I have 12GB free for ZFS, yet every time I do a VM backup, OS installation or any other workload...
  7. C

    swappiness to 0 doesn't seems to work

    Hello, I've recently changed the swappiness on my host to 0 since there is plenty of ram available. Rebooted to apply the change. Now my container still consume swap even when there is memory free. Here's in the webui: Here's the free output inside the container: total...