swap full ram free

  1. C

    High swap despite plenty of available memory

    Hi, I'm running a hyperconverged cluster (Proxmox & Ceph) across three nodes. I've noticed the swap usage is creeping up. Each node has 192GB of RAM and 8GB of swap. Ever since system install I've reduced the swappiness to 10. Looking at what is actually eating the swap, it's a few KVM...
  2. P

    [TUTORIAL] How do I increase the current 8GB swap space to 32GB?

    Dear All, Could you please provide a better solution for increasing the swap space from 8GB to 32GB. Please find the attached screenshot of my current memory utilization. Do I need to increase the swap space?
  3. N

    Swap is Really High on One Node But Not Others

    This has been an issue for a while but it's recently become so bad that the entire host is responding slow when rebooting an LXC or VM, and it takes a little longer to load the consoles and different metrics pages (the VM metrics dashboard? (idk what it's technically called)). I wasn't really...
  4. A

    Why does Proxmox use swap when I have ~170 GiB of RAM available?

    Referring to the screenshot about - my dual Xeon server has 256 GB of DDR4-2400 ECC Reg. RAM installed. I have about 10 VMs running right now, and it shows that it has about 170 GiB of RAM available. I have set ZFS to only use upto 32 GiB of RAM for ZFS cache. May I enquire as to why Proxmox...
  5. C

    [SOLVED] swap läuft nach jedem backup etwas mehr voll (bis 100%)

    hallo proxmoxforum! ich betreibe in einem cluster zwei server bzw. nodes. version auf allen nodes 7.1-10 node1 hat einen windowsserver MIT einer 15gb großen SQL Datenbank, eine windowsworkstation und einen debian apache (turnkey image). node1 hat 64gb ram (von dem ~50gb verteilt sind auf die...
  6. 9

    proxmox is not using available RAM, rather uses (full) swap

    Hello! We are currently using a proxmox-server to virtualize about 20 windows machines (usually 6-8 hosts running concurrently). Currently, we are experiencing an issue with RAM-Allocation. We have 39.62% (24.91 GiB of 62.88 GiB) RAM usage and the SWAP usage is at 98.26% (12.16 GiB of 12.37...
  7. I

    swap on node full but ram 90% free

    hi all, on node we have 100% full swap but ram is >=90% free, what can we do here, restart of swap is not a option, why is swap full and ram free, why dotn clean swap automatical here? any ideas? regards