sssd kerberos5

  1. J

    set_eugid: setegid(1057400001) - Set SUID/SGID-Range for LXC-Container

    Hello everyone, Since I'm using FreeIPA as my authentication provider with some fairly high UIDs/GIDs, I'm assuming these are the reasons i'm running into this issue. can I just set something like this in my /etc/pve/$ctid.conf? lxc.id_map = u 0 100000 1059900000 lxc.id_map = g 0 100000...
  2. H

    [TUTORIAL] How to join a Proxmox cluster to an Active Directory Domain

    This tutorial will walk through the steps necessary to join your Proxmox server to Microsoft Active Directory on a Windows 2019 Server. You will be able to sync your users and groups into the Proxmox Permissions Panel in the GUI, and log into the web console with active directory credentials...
  3. R

    Prevent default hostname resolution in /etc/hosts

    I am implementing SSO with FreeIPA and Proxmox LXC containers. I've encountered numerous errors while trying to setup kerberos5 keytab. Problem seems to be default hostname resolution in /etc/hosts Specifically this part: # --- BEGIN PVE --- sssd-testing # --- END PVE --- Which...