
  1. S

    Automatically assign new autocreated realm users to a group

    I am currently in the process of automating the deployment of PVE hosts including SSO: For SSO, these steps include: Creating an OpenID-Connect application and provider in Authtentik. Creating a realm with those Authentik parameters in PVE Creating groups, roles and setting ACL's But I am...
  2. K

    OpenID Connect with Gluu Server

    Hi all, I'm trying to integrate Proxmox with our corporate Gluu Server using OpenID Connect for SSO authentication. However, similar to this thread, I'm getting the OpenID redirect failed. Failed to parse server response (500) error. domains.cfg # cat /etc/pve/domains.cfg pam: pam...
  3. W

    SSO with OpenID Connect not working

    Hi, I don't get SSO to work with Proxmox VE (and also PBS). Proxmox always redirects to the login form of the Provider (keycloak in my case) and asks for username and password, even if I am already logged in into keycloak. It seems that the URL-parameter "prompt=login", which is responsible...